1. 정의 및 분류
2023.08.21 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] System 이란?
System의 종류
2023.08.21 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] System의 종류 (1)
2023.08.21 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] System의 종류 (2)
2023.08.21 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] System의 종류 (3)
2. Linear Time Invariant (LTI) System
- Linearity
- Time invariant
Review : Unit Impulse Signal
2022.08.29 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Impulse Function (Dirac Delta Function)
Impulse Response
2023.09.21 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Impulse Response란 :
LTI System의 출력 : impulse response와 input signal의 convolution
2023.08.21 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Convolution Op.에서 교환법칙 증명.
Causal System에서의 Convolution 범위 한정.
2023.08.22 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Causal LTI System and Convolution
Convolution Example
2023.08.22 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Convolution Example : Pulse Function
Convolution vs. Cross Correlation
2022.10.14 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Cross Correlation
3. System의 연결방식
2023.08.22 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Cascade Connection
2023.08.22 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Parallel Connection
2023.08.22 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Feedback Connection
4. Stable System
2023.08.22 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] BIBO Stable System
5. Differential Equation 과 System
2023.10.03 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] System and Differential Equation
Differential Equation Examples : RL, RC, RLC Circuits.
2023.10.02 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] RL Circuit : differential equation 으로 풀기.
2023.10.03 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] RC Circuit : differential equation으로 풀기.
2023.08.22 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] RLC Circuit & Differential Eq
6. System Response
2023.10.02 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] System Response
7. System Representation
5절의 Example 중 RLC에 대한 Circuit을 통해 canonical form의 구현을 설명함.
2023.08.22 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Differential Equation : 1st Canonical Form
2023.08.22 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Differential Equation : 2nd Canonical Form
2023.10.03 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] 1st canonical form and 2nd canonical form