[ML] WSL2 : Install Tensorflow (GPU)
wsl2부터는 gpu 사용가능함: cuda 가능! tensorflow 가 제대로 GPU지원. DirectML을 통해서 GPU지원도 가능하지만, 아직까지는 CUDA가 나은 편임. Pre-requirements 1. Windows 11 (>=20150) winver 을 수행하여, build 가 20150 이상이어야 WSL2에 cuda 설치가 가능 2. WSL2를 지원하는 NVIDIA Driver 설치. 그래픽 카드 종류 미리 확인할 것. 2022.03.10 - [Computer/ETC] - HWiNFO : PC의 HW 사양 정보 확인 SW HWiNFO : PC의 HW 사양 정보 확인 SW Windows OS에서 PC의 HW구성 상태를 확인해보기 가장 좋은 SW임. 여러 컴퓨터를 사용하는 경우, HW구성을 외..
CUDA 3D, 2D data processing.
In CUDA, kernels can only operate out of device memory. Device memory can be allocated either as linear memory or CUDA arrays. In this sample, we observe how to use 3D and 2D linear memory in CUDA. Linear memory exists on the device in a 32-bit address space. Typically, following methods are used for device memory allocaton. cudaError_t cudaMalloc (void** devPtr,size_t size) cudaError_t cudaMall..
CUDA Compile Environment with VS 2008
To set up CUDA compile environment with VS 2008. Step 1: Adding Cuda.Rules to your project. Project > Custom Build Rules... Click Find Existing... Select %CUDA_SDK%\C\common\Cuda.Rules Step 2: Now set up your Include directory, library directory, and Executable directory. Tools > Options... > Projects and Solutions > VC++ Directories Select Platform. In my case, x64 was selected. And select Show..