A transcendental function is an analytic function that does not satisfy a polynomial equation, in contrast to an algebraic function. (The polynomials sometimes must have rational coefficients.)


쉽게 말해서 algebraic function을 제외한
Analytic functions가  transcendental function임.

  • In other words, a transcendental function "transcends" algebra in that it cannot be expressed in terms of a finite sequence of the algebraic operations of addition, multiplication, and root extraction.
  • 일반적으로 polynomial equation으로 표현되지 못하는 function이라고 판정해도 된다.

Transcendental function은 다음의 함수들을 포함함.

  • exponential func.,
  • log func.,
  • trigonometric func.,
  • hyperbolic func. 
  • logistic func.
  • entropy func.

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