어떤 성질인가?
$$x(t)e^{j\Omega_0}t \leftrightarrow X(\Omega-\Omega_0)$$
- $x(t)$ : time domain function
- $X( \Omega)$ : Fourier representation, Foruier Transform
- $\Omega_0$ : Frequency Shift (constant)
Frequency Domain에서 $\Omega_0$ 만큼 shifting 시킬 경우,
Time Domain에서는 $e^{j\Omega_0}t$가 곱해지게 된다.
$$\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{2\pi} \displaystyle \int^\infty_{-\infty} X(\Omega - \Omega_0)e^{j\Omega}t d\Omega &= \frac{1}{2\pi}\displaystyle \int^\infty_{-\infty}X(\omega)e^{j(\omega+\Omega_0 )t}d\omega \quad \leftarrow \omega=\Omega-\Omega_0 \\ &= e^{j\Omega_0t} \left\{ \frac{1}{2\pi} \displaystyle \int^\infty_{-\infty} X(\omega) e^{j\omega t} d\omega \right\} \\ &=e^{j\Omega_0 t} \left\{ x(t) \right\} \\ &= x(t) e^{j\Omega_0 t} \end{aligned}$$
2023.10.13 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] A Short Table : Fourier Transform
[SS] A Short Table : Fourier Transform
https://dsaint31.tistory.com/363?category=1015725 $x(t)$ $X(\omega)$ 1 $e^{-a t}u(t), a>0$ $\frac{1}{a+j\omega}$ ref. 2 $e^{a t} u(-t) , a>0$ $\frac{1}{a-j\omega}$ 3 $e^{-a \vert t\vert}, a>0$ $\frac{2a}{a^2+\omega^2}$ 4 $te^{-a t}u(t), a>0$ $\frac{1}{ (a+
2022.09.28 - [.../Signals and Systems] - [SS] Fourier Transform of Complex Exponential Function
[SS] Fourier Transform of Complex Exponential Function
Note: Time domain에서의 Complex Exponential Function의 곱(product)이 Frequency domain에서는 shift로 나타남. : Frequency Shifting. 다음과 같은 Complex Exponential Function의 Fourier Transform을 수행. $$e^{-j\Omega_0t}$$ Fourier Transfo
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