
    [Math] Exponential Function (지수함수)

    지수함수 (exponential function) $a>0$이고 $a\ne 0$이면서 $x$가 real number(실수)일 때, 다음의 function을 exponential function이라고 한다. $$y=a^x$$ $a$ : base (밑수, 밑) $x$ : exponent or power (지수) $a$ to the $x$th power, $a$ (raised) to the power of $x$로 즉, 지수가 unknown인 function이며, logarithmic function의 inverse function임. 대표적인 transcendental function이기도 함.

    [Math] Transcendental Function (초월함수)

    A transcendental function is an analytic function that does not satisfy a polynomial equation, in contrast to an algebraic function. (The polynomials sometimes must have rational coefficients.) 쉽게 말해서 algebraic function을 제외한 Analytic functions가 transcendental function임. In other words, a transcendental function "transcends" algebra in that it cannot be expressed in terms of a finite sequence of ..